
Wie viele Arten von Gittern gibt es auf der Welt?

Nachrichten 17. Juli 2023

Grating technology plays an important role in modern science and technology. In the field of optics, the application of gratings is extensive and almost touches every aspect. Gratings can achieve light dispersion and spectrum analysis through their periodic structure and diffraction effect. They also play a significant role in optical sensing, laser technology, optical communication, display technology, and other fields.

Diffraction gratings are one of the most common types of gratings. By precisely arranging a series of parallel grooves or protrusions, diffraction gratings can disperse, bend, or interfere with incident light. This structure is widely used in spectrometers and spectroscopic analysis devices, allowing scientists to disperse light according to different wavelengths and obtain more accurate spectral information.

Grating polarizers are optical components that use specialized grating structures to achieve selective polarization. By decomposing natural light into light rays with specific polarization directions, grating polarizers play an important role in optical instruments and devices, helping scientists better study the characteristics and properties of light, as well as their applications in optical sensing and communication fields.

Grating couplers refer to devices that couple light energy from optical fibers or waveguides into photonic chips, or couple light out from photonic chips. They utilize the periodic structure and diffraction effect of gratings to achieve light coupling and coupling out. This type of device is very important in the fields of optical communication and fiber optic sensing, helping to design and implement efficient fiber optic communication networks and sensing systems.

Diffraction grating mirrors are optical components that combine the properties of diffraction gratings and mirrors. They not only have spectral functions but also reflect light. These devices are widely used in lasers, spectrometers, and optical measurement equipment, simultaneously meeting the requirements of spectroscopy and reflection.

In addition to the common types of gratings mentioned above, there are also special applications of gratings, such as grating lenses, grating filters, and grating antennas. They play an important role in optical and optoelectronic applications. Different types of gratings have different structures and operating principles, suitable for specific application needs.

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